I've designed a pattern for every fabric line for more than 20 years. Sometimes, it's difficult to figure out what to do, but for Maple Hill, it was easy as, well, falling leaves! Windblown features a Maple Hill charm pack with a piece of every fabric in the collection.
Windblown 30" sq. charm quilt
Retail price for the kit with charm pack and all fabrics for quilt front and binding PLUS Free Shipping is regularly over $52 (with our low $5 shipping everyday). Our KT Special price is only $34.95. That's almost 25% off!
We have some great fall themed fabrics for backings, too, so add a yard of Maple Hill for backing for only $11 extra (retail $13.50/KT price $12.50) with your kit - included in the Free Shipping.
More Maple Hill
Now is the perfect time to be thinking about all things autumn so we're ready when the pumpkins are ripe and the leaves start to fall.
If you love fall as much as I do, you'll also love our Maple Leaf Shuffle lap quilt (74" x 74"). After making Windblown, you won't want to stop piecing those little leaves. Here's your chance to make a whole pile more!
Maple Leaf Shuffle
It's not too late to join me for a 6-month Quilt-a-Long with the Sugar Maple Farm Sampler quilt. There's so much to play with! Easy traditional piecing with fun fusible applique makes this quilt go together quickly. We still have a few kits available. For only $39.95/month for 6 months you'll receive all the fabric for the quilt front & binding, plus appliques, plus 6 spools of matching Aurifil Thread, plus the booklet, plus the KT Melon Template, plus bonus patterns, plus shipping is included! Whew! Don't miss this deal!
Call the KTQuilt Shop to sign up. 785-488-2120.
Sugar Maple Farm QAL