Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Getting Ready for Spring

KT Winner

This week's winner of the KT Collector's Club Fresh Cut Flowers Pack is:
Janie -What a great giveaway. It will help those of us who remain unsure if they want to commit to a fun club. Thanks a bunch!

Please email your shipping address to lynne@ktquilts.com along with what you've won. Robert will send it right out. Sounds like everyone is ready for a little springtime. Check out what we have for you this week.


Ohio's One Stop Shop Hop

If you live in Columbus/Dayton area, come join me this weekend at the area's OneStopShopHop at the Nutter Center in Fairborn, OH. It's the first time they've invitied a designer to their event, so let's make it a good time! I'll be teaching Rustic Stars on Thursday, April 5 and sharing my quilts in a trunk show on Friday, April 6th at noon. I'd love to meet you there!

KT April Special

April showers will bring our new KT Fresh Cut Flowers booklet and fabric! This month's special is our Fresh Cut Flowers fat 1/4 bundle for only $99, or the new Fresh Cut Flowers booklet for only $11.95 - that's a 25% savings! Choose one, or both for a fresh start to spring stitching.

Fresh Cut Flower Booklet #11.95 (retail $15.95)

The Fresh Cut Flowers booklet includes instructions for the lap quilt, king size quilt, runner, wall quilt and pillow.The wall quilt is the center of the lap quilt with four blue flower appliques. It makes the perfect welcome for your home entryway.

Fresh Cut Flowers Fat 1/4 Bundle $99 (retail $135)

Comment this week to win a Fresh Cut Flowers booklet and bag of scraps! Are you ready for spring?


  1. Yes, I'm definitely ready for spring! Loving your Fresh Cut Flowers!

  2. I am completely ready for spring, and today's pouring rain is a start -- lol. I'm in Dayton right near the One Stop Shop hop but will be at work Thurs and Fri -- too bad for me!

  3. I am so ready for spring after 4 inches of snow on Monday and the possibility of more in the next week. My forsythia should be blooming by now! I think some Fresh Cut Flowers is just what I need.

  4. Definitely ready for spring. My crocus & daffodils are too but snow & cold sleety rain keeps falling. When oh when will I be able to get out & do winter cleanup? Guess I’ll just keep sewing. 😋

  5. I am more than ready for spring. Now if we could just get Mother Nature to cooperate.

  6. I am so ready for spring. We had snow on April 1st.

  7. Oh my, yes! Spring needs more than rain. It needs the sun shining and some temperatures warm enough to make gloves unnecessary. The dreary days keep me in my sewing corner with all the lights on.

  8. I am so ready for Spring. Still pretty cold here and is suppose to be for the next two weeks with chances of snow. Thanks for the beautiful giveaway. Love the pattern and the fabric.

  9. I'm so ready for spring and I'm glad it finally arrived here.

  10. I am so ready for spring, especially since it snowed here this weekend and we had a killing freeze. Our new flowers that were coming up, probably aren't going to make it. I love this fabric and your pattern.

  11. We are still in a nasty coldsnap which is supposed to hang around until mid-April. I am getting desperate for spring. Thanks so much for sharing. I love the new pattern

  12. So ready for spring - we had beautiful weather and then mother nature played a nasty trick on us. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I am so ready for Spring. I live in Central NY (Syracuse area) we keep getting hit with snow storms and cold weather. We'll get a teaser of warm and sunny weather & the next day another storm. Let Spring begin!!

  14. Oh, how I long for spring! I love this new fabric. Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Love the "Fresh Cut Flowers" fabric!

  16. Beyond ready for Spring. I'm anxiously awaiting my daffodils but with 18" of snow on the ground that will be awhile yet. Thanks for sharing.

  17. What a wonderful gift! I would love to win this.

  18. I am so ready for Spring! Thanks for a chance to win some beautiful scraps!

  19. I am so looking forward to seeing "Fresh Cut Flowers". I will be happy with either real flowers or fabric ones.

  20. Yay, new KT fabric! And spring too!

  21. I am so ready for flowers! Love your Fresh Cut Flowers! I would love to make and hang that gorgeous quilt in my front hall!

  22. I am so ready for spring, and for flowers and blue sky!!Your new fabric line is beautiful!!

  23. Beautiful fabric, Lynne!! We are still well in the minus numbers up here along with snow on the ground. It kind of feels like winter might not end this year! I need some plus temperatures for sure!! Thanks for this chance.

  24. That's beautiful Lynne! I have been ready for spring since last November! But I don't think it's coming to NW MO anytime soon.

  25. Spring--a new beginning. I love watching our annuals peek their heads up out of the ground. Some days it seems like they grow a few inches in one day. I think we could all use some Fresh Cut Flowers after this long winter. Your new fabric line is absolutely gorgeous.

  26. Spring has begun here in the south and we are enjoying it after a colder than usual Winter for us. Thanks for the opportunity to win a fun giveaway.

  27. Totally ready for Spring! Couldn't believe it was snowing here in St. Louis on Easter. UGH!!! Fresh Cut Flowers would be a cheerful addition to this house.

  28. Spring----YES!!!!

  29. I am so waiting for spring! It is getting lighter and brighter already.What a nice gift.

  30. Bring on spring, my favorite time of year. Love the fresh smell and the wildflowers. New beginnings and finishing up winter projects. Quilt on girls!

  31. I am sooo ready for Spring. Just when we think it is here, it snows! That's Ohio for you. I am so happy that you are coming to the One Stop Shop Hop this week. Looking forward to the show. I love scrap bags and hope to win. Thank you!

  32. Your Fresh Cut Flowers is just the thing to take us out of the doldrums of winter and to welcome spring into our homes (and sewing rooms!). Thanks for the chance!

  33. I am so ready for Spring. Fresh Cut Flowers is the perfect name for a Springtime collection and book!

  34. It would be great fun to win!!

  35. Yes, ready for Spring and Fresh Cut Flowers !

  36. Yes! I am ready for Spring! I love the new Fresh Cut Flowers collection!

  37. I love the Fresh Cut Flowers quilt with its combination of piecing and applique and the fantastic Kansas Troubles fabrics. It would be a perfect project for spring.

  38. I am SO ready for spring. Here in my part of Washington state they are actually predicting more SNOW!

  39. It has been switching between snow and rain this morning and the snow plow just went by spreading salt.
    The roads are slippery. Spring would be so nice right about now.

  40. I want to live with you and enjoy your creations

  41. I hardly can't wait for Spring to get here in N.H.!! But while i am waiting, your Fresh Cut Flowers fabric is just what is needed to get me in the Spring mood!!! Just love it! Thanks for a chance to win!

  42. I am soooooo ready for Spring! It was a boring winter with little snow. I like to get at least one good snow storm so I can relax by the fire and stitch! I love the Fresh Cut Flowers fabric and will be looking for it in my local shop.

  43. I am so ready for spring. But spring doesn't seem to want to appear here. I love, love, love your Fresh Cut Flowers fabric.

  44. A quilt booklet and scraps. What more could I ask for. I love scraps.

  45. We are all so ready for Spring here in Iowa. Another snow storm today and it is April 3rd.

  46. We just had 6" of snow yesterday. I am so ready for spring.

  47. I am so ready for Spring... we are getting 3 inches of snow tonight and icy rain before that... So happy to see your Fresh Cut Flowers!

  48. Friday I cleaned up my gardens of the dead flower stems that I should have done last fall. Now I can enjoy my daffodils and watch the tulips when they bloom but I'm paying for it too. It hurts to bend what I call my gardening muscles! Easter was gorgeous but last night it may have froze our apricot and peach blossoms. I'm so ready for spring but I don't know is it is ready to come. Thanks.

  49. I'm ready for spring, but evidently spring isn't ready for us. We had snow today, about 4" of the white stuff.

  50. Although I love winter I've been yearning to plant flowers and herbs and see them grow, so yes, I'm ready for spring. So Fresh Cut Flowers is perfect for now. Thank you. Love the quilt design.

  51. Yes, I’m ready for spring! I need the change of seasons.

  52. I love the fresh cut flowers line. I just bought a layer cake and I am working on mini log cabin blocks and they are looking adorable. Winning this would add to my little wall hanging. Thanks for the chance to win. Janet. Jecagain@gmail.com

  53. It is spring here in North Carolina and I am planning a whole year of new quilts and sewing. The Fresh Flowers collection isdefinitely in the plan it is just lovely.

  54. Can I say a really bad word?! I am four hours away from Columbus Ohio, have Friday off, and still can’t make it to the one stop shop hop!�� My only other chance so far to see you and your quilts IRL, was at market in Pittsburgh a number of years ago, (Vine Creek was the collection debuting that market) and you had stepped out of the booth, when I was there, so I met your very nice other half (Robert) instead. Wish I would have known about this event sooner, I’d have definitely been there! Hope you have a great time and the shops in the area treat you well! And thank you for adding the light tan tonals back into your lines- I love them for backgrounds!

  55. More than ready for spring. For me that means less work time and more quilt time.

  56. I am getting ready right now to attend the workshop today at the One Stop. Going back then tomorrow to shop!! Cant wait!!

  57. I am so ready for Spring. On Monday morning woke to a couple inches of snow. Then we had over 2 inches of rain and this morning 25 degrees. I haven't been able to walk in the yard to enjoy my daffodils due to all the rain. The Fresh Cut Flowers booklet and some scraps would be great treat!

  58. It's spring here already in N. Central Florida. The trees are bright green again and the flowers are blooming! Hopefully the high humidity will stay away a little longer.

  59. WE are definitely feeling spring. I am so over the cold! it is pouring rain here right now but we always can use the rain. love the booklet. Thank you for the chance to win a copy and of course the scraps are always a win win!

  60. I've been collecting bits and pieces of KT fabrics for years begging to be made into a quilting masterpiece! One can never have too many KT fabrics!
    Happy Spring!

  61. Love seeing what flowers have come up. Love springtime. Would love some KT scraps.

  62. Another KT fabric line that makes my heart flutter! What a great looking book to add to my Collectors Club and OOOOHHHHH the scraps would be a yummy addition too!

  63. I am definitely ready for Spring. Love this collection

  64. Thanks for a great class at the Ohio One Stop Hop!

  65. I was on the second cruise and it was wonderful, waves and all! I bought the roll-up and the charm squares for fresh cut flowers. Would love to win the fat quarter bundle or even the scraps. Just finished piecing my wall hanging from the cruise. Such fun!

  66. This is a GREAT collection to welcome Spring, and I am SO ready! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  67. Your Fresh Cut Flowers make me yearn even more for Spring! Thanks for the chance to win your booklet and scraps, I'd love to give them a good home!

  68. I am more than ready for Spring. WNY had an ice storm last night. The Fresh Cut Flowers line makes me want Spring even more. It is so pretty. I sure could put them to good use.

  69. I sent an email to ur store. My intention was to share a pic of my design wall w my "Stacked Coins" quilt top assembly. Jokes on me!! Is there any way to share pics on here w/in the comments or another place I can share thus w u guys?

  70. Love seeing what flowers have come up. Love springtime. Would love some KT scraps.

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