KT Winner
Congrats to:
favorite gift, and most used, is a casserole carrier made by my Grandma
H for Christmas 1968. I married the following April and I have used
this gift for the proceeding 48 years! A home sewn gift lasts and lasts.
It has been used many times for transporting food to potlucks. When
going through my Mom's things this past year I found the one Grandma
gifted her, and brought it home to my home.
What a great story! Homemade gifts are truly full of happiness and heartfelt wishes. Thanks to everyone for sharing. Have a wonderful week of holiday surprises. Here's our last giveaway of the year. Enjoy!
KT Christmas Giveaway Week #4
I couldn't end the year without giving away more of my Cozy Quilts and Comforts books. I'm so happy with the warm, homey feel of the book. Martingale captured my vision in beautiful pictures and so many fun little details on every page. It's a treat for me to share it with you. So, this week, there will be 3 winners! Triple the chances of winning!![]() |
Find Cozy Quilts and Comforts HERE. |
Hints for the holidays: Simplify. Enjoy your time with loved ones. Use paper plates. (I got a standing ovation from my husband and sons - the dishwashers - at Thanksgiving for buying heavy duty disposable silverware. Totally worth it!) Buy a couple of the main dishes instead of trying to cook everything from scratch. Ask for help. Don't stress if it isn't all perfect. Have a perfectly wonderful holiday season, Christmas thru New Year's.
Comment this week on your quilting plans for next year. Do you make a list of projects you'd like to accomplish? Retreats you'd like to attend? Quilt shows you'd love to visit? A new technique you'd like to try? I'd love to hear from you.
My plan is to balance completing UFO's, creating gifts, and allowing time to follow my own personal inspiration projects.
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to get some of my own quilts quilted and to try my hand at applique.
ReplyDeleteMy goals are to finish some UFOs and focus on quilted gifts.
ReplyDeleteI'm the queen of list makers. I have quite a few UFO's and they are on my list to get done this year. I also want to make some dog and cat blankets for the local shelter with my scraps. I just about have to put cooking dinner on my list of things to do. LOL
ReplyDeleteMy life goal is to make sure each of my 14 grandchildren have a quilt when they get married and to have a stack of baby quilts for the "greats" when they come. I probably have enough fabric in my stash to do it!!! So, my goal is to settle down, and complete some of the many I have started.
ReplyDeleteMy plans are to continue finishing my UFOs and to make more charity quilts!
ReplyDeleteMy neighbor and I meet each week with two other quilting buddies. We have decided to accomplish much in the new year ... UFO's, charity quilts for our guild and everything else we have wanted to do! It will be fun! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI have so much to do. I have 3 tops that need to be quilted. Those quilts will be given to our local center for the needy. I have 2 mystery quilts in progress. I have a baby quilt to make for a friend who is due soon. So much to do and so little time, but I do have next week off after Christmas and plan on spending it in front of my machine. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteAll the above. I have 7 retreats on the calendar, AQS Lancaster and the Hershey quilt show. I love classes and visiting all the quilt shops in the area. I belong to a guild or more and love going to share ideas. The rest of the time I spend working, sewing, sewing and sewing.
ReplyDeleteI make lists of quilts I would like to make, then prioritize between what I want to make and have to make. This year I must make a baby quilt and a wedding quilt. I still have 6 tops to quilt (4 of mine, 2 of Mom's). I want to make 2 Christmas quilts next year, we'll see! Sharon at wnt2trvl@aol.com
ReplyDeleteLOL....I have a list of projects I want to do. I finished 3 in 2017 out of 10. I get distracted when I see new projects I want to do NOW. Merry Christmas and thank you for your generosity!
ReplyDeleteThis year I want to get better as a machine quilter. It’s not my favorite part of the quilting process for me so I have tops that need finishing. I also hope to be in my sewing room more often and more regularly. I think I get grumpy if I go to long without sewing.
ReplyDeleteAn elderly lady at church as asked me to teach her how to make a quilt. Nothing quite like the smile that you see when someone completes their first quilt! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.
ReplyDeleteI have decided to try and alternate new projects with ufos. Maybe they will all get done next year. Have a merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMy goal this is to empty my closet of tops and turn them into finished quilts.
ReplyDeleteThis year my husband and I are going to celebrate 40 years of marriage! So I'm going to make a new queen size quilt for our bed! I've made quilts for all of our children and grandchildren over the years, but I have not made one for our bed ever. It's time!
ReplyDeleteI have lots of quilting dreams for 2018. I want to continue working on a quilt that has embroidered blocks, begin 2 applique quilts, make a Christmas quilt, finish my WIPs, make some charity quilts, and, most importantly, enjoy meeting with my weekly church charity quilt group. Hmmmm. When I write that out, it sure seems like a lot. But that's what I'm dreaming about, anyhow. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
ReplyDeleteUFO’s are in my plans for next year. Little seasonal projects for gifting throughout the year. Travel plans are to visit the Ark in Kentucky & then over to Paducah. Yea. Hoping my friend will be able to go with me to the Hershey & Lancaster shows. Oh, & making a definite sewing space in the house. Merry Christmas. Enjoy the holiday. Thanks for all the freebies you offer throughout the year.
ReplyDeleteI signed up for American Patchwork & Quilting's UFO challenge. That should help me get started on some of my UFO's. It involves 'only' one project a month but it should be 10! I need 3 lifetimes to finish all I have to do.
ReplyDeleteI am definitely going to give your layered method a try in the New Year. I have been procrastinating because I am not a good top stitcher, but I am determined to try it. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your books. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteMy plan for quilting is to be more realistic in what I can do! I see so many wonderful projects and want to start them all but obviously can't finish them all. I'd love to finish one project per month this year. And I've committed to having some friends over every 2 weeks to help their girls make quilts for their beds. Hopefully that will give me some dedicated sew time too!
ReplyDeleteMy goals are to finish up three BOMs. One just needs setting blocks, but the other two are barely started. I have a basket of small projects sitting on my cutting table and I have decided I will finish up one of those every month. I’m signed up for the retreat with you and Hennie a Doan in San Diego!
ReplyDeleteThere is much to be accomplished in 2018 and it helps me to have a plan. Last year I made a list with 8 projects and finished only 4 so I have a start on next year's list! I also keep a monthly list of what I want to accomplish that month, as I look back over 2017's lists I can see what kept me busy in the sewing room. I will be doing the same this year. I may have to start this process for housekeeping, since that seems to have been sadly neglected of late!
ReplyDeleteI don't have a list yet but I have several projects in mind. First is another flannel quilt. Snuggly flannel! Enjoy the holidays! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom
ReplyDeleteMy plan for next year is to sew a UFO and a new quilting item at the same time. Both stacks of each are ready to go, and I am sure more will be added as I see a new pattern or fabric just begging to be used. I also plan to go to a Paducah gathering next year and more road trips.
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to learn to quilt some the smaller tops i have done and are waiting to be made into quilts! I love the primitive look and your new book looks so full of cozy goodness would inspire me to get started also on new quilts!! Thanks for a chance to win. Merry Christmas!
My goal is to do more quilting next year than I did this past year. I would like to learn free motion quilting.
ReplyDeleteHealth issues kept me from most of my Quilting activities this year, so now I'm eager and ready to spend the new year at my cutting table and sewing machine. Small quilts using my growing stash of reproduction fabrics are at the top of my list. I have several tops just waiting to be quilted, those too will get my attention. I'll be attending MidAtlantic Quiltfest just in time to light my fire with more inspiration!!
ReplyDeleteMy hopes are to learn your method of quilting with raw edges on die cuts and to complete one of the quilts in your books I have.
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to use up some of my stash, and to try new techniques. I love learning new things, and am always looking for new patterns and ideas.
ReplyDeleteI already did my 2018 list of UFO's to finish. it does help me focus a bit and not start as many new ones. Thanks for the chance to win. MErry Christmas to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteGood morning. I plan on buying less fabric this year and instead, using up what I have in my stash and that includes making a KT log cabin quilt. I don't have any plans of learning anything new. Thanks for this chance and Merry Christmas, Lynne!
ReplyDeleteMy goal for the coming year is clean up and organize my sewing space. Of course, that seems to be a constant goal of mine.
ReplyDeleteDo I have plans for next year???!!! I always have plans....that's why my closet looks soooo full! Besides the closet, I WILL have a needle turn applique quilt done by May. I've been working on it for 7 years. Thanks for the chance to win and lighten the load on my closet. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI have several quilts to finish and practise my FMQ on and then it will be time to dig into my stash of Kansas Troubles fabrics and try out Layered Patchwork for the first time.
ReplyDeleteTo use up some of my stash.
ReplyDeleteI have a graduation quilt to finish, another toddler quilt, Talkin' Turkey (Bonnie H) to finish, and I want to get back to my needleturn applique. Looking forward to a great New Year & hope you are too. I'm also looking forward to your new patterns & fabs!
ReplyDeleteI really need to set goals each month so that I will accomplish more, and finish a few of the quilts I have already started.
ReplyDeleteMy DIL pinned a snowman quilt that she liked. I immediately ordered the kit and pattern to make it for her this year. Other family members will randomly be gifted quilts. 5 were gifted this year, one from your workshop in Benton, Arkansas to my 81 year old sister.
ReplyDeleteI do not make plans ahead unless I know that I need a quilt for a special event-new baby, wedding or graduation. I just love this book of yours. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Happy Holidays!!
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to quilt that pile of unfinished tops, and to begin the Pieceful Pines BOM - can't wait for it! I also want to make at least 4 charity quilts to clean up my stash...so I can buy more, of course!
ReplyDeleteI think your idea of making a list of quilts I would like to finish next year is terrific. If I hold it to eight, I might be able to accomplish it instead of "finish all" which makes me feel defeated before beginning.
ReplyDeleteI am always energized the first of January to get busy quilting. With November/December being such busy months it's time to sew. I am always making baby quilt but like to see what is new at the time and keep an open mind on my next project. I am a list maker----but I don't follow it.
ReplyDeleteMy goal for next year is to make some of the many kits I have laying around. I bought them because I liked them and I'm sure that I will love them when they are completed. I also want to relearn paper piecing for a workshop that is coming up in the spring.
ReplyDeleteMy plan is to enjoy hand quilting my many beautiful quilt tops I have so enjoyed making over the years that nedd to be finished. I will piece some small quilts to keep the love of creating quilts going but I am downsizing to be able to get the others finished (I need some quilts to use!)
ReplyDeleteMy plan is to finally finish the red, white, and blue quilt for my dad. I've had it on the back burner since last summer and his heart attack last week has me moving it to the front of the line. I would also some day love to go to a retreat, but fulltime work has been getting in the way of that goal. Maybe I can retire and get it all done!
ReplyDeleteMy goals for next year include a hand pieced and hand quilted project. I also would like to make more lap quilts as gifts.
ReplyDeleteHoping to complete several BOM projects from years past, make another flannel ragtime for myself, and go to several close retreats. It is so much fun to sew with fellow quilters. Merry Christmas to all.
ReplyDeleteI hope to get a few UFO's finished. I'm always starting new projects so the pile never gets lower. Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year.
ReplyDeleteFirst on my list is to finish my Florida daughter's quilt, then a wall hanging for one of our California daughters, then a double wedding for the other California daughter, and then maybe something for myself. I hope.
ReplyDeleteMy plans for 2018 are to keep quilting! I participate in some online groups that offer monthly challenges for small quilts that keep me motivated. Throw in some gifts made throughout the year and I keep busy and happy! I'd love to attend a retreat, if the timing/money work out. Happy holidays and thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI have not made a list for 2018 yet but I would like this to be a year of finishes. I also have a few patterns that I purchased in 2017 that I would like to gather fabric for and put them on my 2018 list. I am planning a small retreat with four friends that we are looking forward to.
ReplyDeleteI plan to have another year of finishing up projects and reducing my stash. Plus I have a wonderful new pattern given to me by my daughter that I am dying to start.
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to just get into the sewing room! I hope to spend New Years Day sorting/organizing and then start on my promise quilts (2 weddings, citizenship, out of the Marines, and a Navy quilt for my husband)As I finish one; I can play for a couple of weeks on my goal quilts. Things that I want to do for a variety of reasons. This is the year I start quilting again!!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope to reduce my stash ... key word: hope. That's an every year wish. Mainly, I need to finish up projects AND not wait til December to work on gifts. I will have a stack finished before October. That's my plan!!
ReplyDeleteMy plan is to complete the UFO's that I have. They are all pieced and now need to be quilted.
ReplyDeleteI plan on getting most of my WIP done. One is a wedding quilt for my daughter. But I need to make a quilt each for my new grand children. We moved and my sewing stuff was in storage and I haven't been able to work on anything requiring a sewing machine until now.
ReplyDeleteI've tried the "only work on UFO's route", and it didn't work for me - too easily distracted by the "new and wonderful".
ReplyDeleteSo here's my plan-- 1 day a week wil be for Christmas sewing, One day will be for UFO sewing. The other days - my choice:)
I have a couple of projects to finish up, then who knows! There will be at least one baby quilt in the works. I hope to start making some Christmas aprons and tea towels for next years gifts. We will see how that goes!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas. Hopefully I will win the book and make a couple of quilts from your new book. Love the Gathering Baskets quilt. If I don't win, I have plenty to sew on. Carol L from NE
ReplyDeleteAfter spending most of this year making baby quilts I am looking forward to a change. First up will be some runners and hangers to raise funds for my friend's sheep herding group. Merry Christmas and thank you for the great hints for the holidays.
ReplyDeleteI make a list of gifts in a book for family and friends as stitch and sew quite a few. Plus gives me a record of what I have given and so do not double up. Then there is the list of Christmas foods to buy ingredients for.Busy time but fun. Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteNext year I am making a quilt for someone who is getting married, in the planning stages now and busy ironing and cutting fabric. Also making things with my crafting group to sell and make money for various charities. Thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeleteQuilting plans-don't be so hard on myself about all the UFO's, but enjoy the process of getting things done, even if it means starting new ones before the old ones are finished! I hope to be a better planner about getting things ready sooner for the fall craft shows. Hoping to get to Paducah for the first time ever this year!!
ReplyDeleteI have several quilts that I'd like to get finished but then new fabric comes out to the quilt shops and you just have to start another quilt!! I've never been on an overnight retreat and so as my Mothers day gift to myself I am going on a weekend retreat in May 2018. I'm so excited. I took a class a couple of months ago to learn how to quilt using your walking foot. We learned curvy crosshatch quilting using your walking foot. In January 201 I'm taking another class. We'll learn to quilt point to point with our walking foot. Can't wait. Should be fun! We have a great teacher too! Thanks Lynn - Just love your fabric lines Dolores R Michigan
ReplyDeleteMy quilting plans for this next year is to do some quilting. I am changing jobs so this will now be possible. And I am going on a quilting retreat to kick off the year and start. I am looking forward to getting back to what I enjoy.
ReplyDeleteAs I have gotten older, my quilting plans are to finish the many ufo's that are hanging in my closet. It is something I really want to accomplish next year.
ReplyDeleteIf I ever get my sewing machine set back up (after the ice maker malfunctioned and flooded the basement family room) I intend to sew up a storm.
ReplyDeleteMy quilting plans are to just quilt and enjoy. Since I have your book, if I win, I will give it to a quilting friend!
ReplyDeleteWeirdly enough, my only goal for the new year is to get a family trust put in place, including power of attorney and other legal documents. Wish me luck! LOL
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to start two quilts that I have been wanting to do for the last few years. I am going to attend the Cedarhurst Quilters retreat in February and June and I am going to practice more on my free motion quilting and layered patchwork.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas! My plans for next year are to keep hand quilting on the never-ending project (in the works since 2005) as well as make a baby quilt for a co-worker. I'm sure there will be some other projects in there, too such as a house warming quilt for my nephew.
ReplyDeleteSandy A
I plan on finishing my WIP's. I accumulate several every year, and every year I finish them by June. If I stay on that track I am happy.
ReplyDeleteMy new year plans are like so many other quilters, finish the many UFO's(unfinished objects, that's what our guild use to call them) that have accumulated in my closet and sewing cabinet! Merry Christmas and thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI had a goal last year to quilt a quilt a month. The Lord had other plans for me because my Mother passed away within the first month. My quilting was put on the back burner while I went thru grieving, going thru her remaining possessions and selling my half of her house to my brother. So this year, I am going to quilt a quilt a month!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas! I, too, am hoping to finish some UFO's and am going to try making lists to see if that will help me get things done. My want to do list is growing exponentially, while the finished list remains about the same.
ReplyDeleteMy plans are to finish quilting 3 tops, and start using up all my scraps in New projects...have a happy holiday season !
ReplyDeleteMy goals are to complete a couple of UFO's, try hand applique and treat myself to a BOM of some sort. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI don't do lists!! My plan is to have no plan. I have a couple BOM's that I am planning on doing and other than that, I will work on whatever strikes my fancy. My goal is to create less stress.
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays to you and your family! This is the first year I have made a sewing planner and have plans for my first quilt a long! They finish up for UFOs!
ReplyDeleteI hope to quilt several tops I pieced this year. Also, I promised my granddaughter a "Frozen" quilt. And if I get my Christmas wish for a new cutting table with storage, I plan to reorganize my stash. Have a Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeletePlans for 2018, well let's see. Finish up quilting three quilts, setting blocks togetherto make anothet quilt top and doing a little applique wall hanging that I started last year. Thinking this year well be a slowing down year. I'm getting old and gaining the wisdom of enjoying my quilting.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping my quilting "mojo" comes back this year. I sew a bit here and there, but haven't been finishing anything.....and I have a LOT that needs finishing. Lots of losses over the last many years has taken it's toll on me.
ReplyDeleteI am going to start this year with a quilting journal, and hoping that seeing in writing what I am accomplishing will help give me the encouragement to keep quilting more than I have been. I also have my first grandchild coming in April (a girl) and that also is giving me a reason to finish a quilt!
Lynn...you are coming to our quilt guild this year (Appleton, WI) and I am really looking forward to that!
I have to make lists, just to remind myself of what I want to do! Pinterest has been a big help there too. I have one private board devoted to pinning patterns and fabrics for each project I intend to make. Thanks for the many years of pleasure your fabrics have given me! Merry Christmas to you, and Robert, and the rest of your family!
ReplyDeleteI would love to get caught up on a few unfinished projects and before jumping into anything new. I would love to attend the Moda Retreat in Dallas but that is definitely a dream.
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of retreats planned for Jan and Mar next year. UFOs are the priority finishes early on, just to free up some space in the project boxes!
ReplyDeleteI have a Snowman Gatherings 3 quilt that I want to finish, as well as catch up on the Moda Blockheads BOW. Additionally, I need to bind some small projects that have been neglected.
ReplyDeleteI have 3 baby quilts that need binding.....looks like a great project while watching Netflicks!
ReplyDelete2018 I hope will be my year to complete a few of these unfinished quilt tops I have. I have one that needs borders, three that need binding, two that need quilting!! And I promised myself that I WOULD START a new CHRISTMAS QUILT... and I already have the fabrics!!!
ReplyDeleteI always make a list of quilt projects that I want to make during the year. Of course, I add to the list as I see new things. I usually don't accomplish all my goals. This year, I did make over 40 projects -most not big quilts - but I am very satisfied with what I did achieve.
I sometimes make a list of quilts I want to make and I have a lot on the list for 2018! I have started a proJect that will use 20 of the Blockhead blocks. Then for my Monday sewing group project I am going to start a project using a collection of Jo Morton fabrics a friend game me. Looking forward to 2018 - Happy New Year to you and your family, Lynne.
ReplyDeleteI have a list that goes from one year to the next. I have 9 Quilts to quilt. I have 3 I am piecing and I hope to make a 4th of July quilt and Christmas quilt this year
ReplyDeleteGeri s
I need to make myself a quilt. I've made them for most of my family. Now it's my turn! :-) Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteI have lots of quilts that I am working on and my plans for the New Year are to finish what I have to make room for the new to come!! Quilting is ion my blood and gives me energy!! Happy New Year.... it is going to be a great year!!
ReplyDeleteI plan to finish aa I started this year ..... and improve my mini piecing
ReplyDeleteThe first project for the new year is to complete Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, On Ringo Lake. Next to keep up with the monthly quilt class, Moda U. Evenings will be hand quilting the 2 quilts I basted last year.
ReplyDeleteI put together a list of 12 UFOs that I'd like to finish or make significant progress on and follow along with All People Quilt's UFO Challenge. I've done this for the past few years. Some years I'm more successful than others. Here's to 2018!
ReplyDeleteI have some UFO's I want to finish and some quilt tops that need to be quilted. I also have about 12 quilts planned. The fabric is waiting in my stash and all I need to do is cut, piece and quilt. That should keep me busy this year!!!
ReplyDeleteFor 2018 I hope to get caught up on quilting all of the quilt top that are still waiting to be quilted.
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